
Do Children Need Annual Physicals?

Apr 17/2024

Today, every parent's calendar is packed with activities, appointments, and events, so it’s easy for certain things to slip through the cracks. However, one appointment you won’t want to overlook is your child’s annual physical. While it might seem like just another task on an endless to-do list, skipping this essential health check can mean missing early signs of potential health issues. At Atlantic Physicians Group, we understand your concerns and want to prioritize your child's well-being. Keep reading to discover why annual physicals are a critical part of your child’s health and development.

Why Annual Physicals Are the Key to Childhood Wellness

Annual physicals are the foundation of preventive healthcare for children. These appointments offer a comprehensive overview of your child's physical and emotional development, ensuring they are hitting appropriate milestones. They also provide a prime opportunity to catch any underlying health issues early, from vision and hearing problems to more serious concerns like heart conditions or developmental disorders. Keeping a consistent health record allows pediatricians to identify patterns or changes in your child's health and can offer insights that might be missed without regular monitoring.

Setting the Schedule

The frequency of your child's doctor visits changes as they grow. Infants and toddlers, with their rapid developmental changes, require more frequent check-ups. However, as children transition into school age and beyond, annual physicals become the norm. These visits ensure that vaccinations are up to date and assess school readiness. They also play an important role in addressing any concerns about your child's health as they enter new environments that expose them to a wider range of health risks.

What to Expect During an Annual Check-up

An annual physical is thorough and customized to suit your child's age. They cover a spectrum of checks and discussions but typically include a complete physical examination for reviewing growth and development milestones. Your physician may also update necessary immunizations and perform vision and hearing screenings. This visit is also an excellent time for parents to discuss any concerns about their child's health, nutrition, sleep habits, and emotional well-being with the pediatrician. For older children, it can serve as a platform to educate them about healthy lifestyles, body changes, and safety issues.

Your Child's Emotional and Developmental Health

Children's health encompasses more than just the physical aspect. Emotional and developmental well-being are equally important, and annual physicals are an opportunity to assess these areas. Pediatricians can offer valuable advice on managing school stress, social pressures, and the emotional challenges of growing up. Taking a holistic approach ensures your child's overall health is supported so they can overcome the challenges of each new stage of their development.

Does Your Child Need Their Annual Physical?

Annual physicals for children are not just another appointment to squeeze into an already crowded calendar; they are an investment in your child's future health and well-being. By ensuring these essential check-ups are not missed, you're setting the foundation for a lifetime of good health. Atlantic Physicians Group is committed to providing compassionate care that is focused on prevention and early detection of potential issues. We’re here to support your child every step of the way. Schedule your child’s annual physical today and take the first step toward peace of mind for you and a healthier future for your child.



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