Travel Medicine

Travel Medicine

Traveling opens doors to new experiences, cultures, and adventures. However, the excitement of exploring unfamiliar destinations also involves the exposure to unexpected risks to your health. This is where travel medicine steps in to ensure safe and enjoyable travels wherever your wanderlust takes you. If you are preparing to travel abroad, then you would be wise to consult with a licensed physician beforehand. Travel medicine is a specialized branch of medicine focused on providing healthcare services and advice to individuals who are planning to travel internationally or to areas with unique health risks. Residents in the area are invited to call Atlantic Physicians Group to schedule a consultation with a licensed healthcare professional today. Our team is on standby to take your call or message now.

Pre-Travel Consultations

Your journey should begin with a personalized pre-travel consultation. These consultations are not just about vaccinations and checklists; they are comprehensive assessments that consider your destination, travel activities, medical history, and individual health needs. During the consultation, your travel medicine provider will touch on a wide range of considerations from essential vaccinations to specialized advice on managing chronic conditions while abroad.


Protection Against Travel-Related Illnesses

Travel medicine is your protection against a myriad of potential travel-related illnesses. Whether it's immunizations for tropical diseases, antimalarial medications, or strategies to prevent traveler's diarrhea, there are many tools and knowledge necessary to stay healthy in diverse environments.


Addressing Altitude and Time Zone Challenges

You may not notice it, but your body is used to certain environmental conditions. High-altitude destinations and jet lag are common challenges for travelers. Travel medicine providers at Atlantic Physicians Group can provide invaluable guidance on preventing altitude sickness, adapting to new time zones, and minimizing the effects of jet lag. With their advice, you can conquer altitude peaks and seamlessly adjust to different time zones, thereby maximizing your travel experience.

Emergency Preparedness

The old adage goes “Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.” 
Travel medicine isn't just about prevention; it's also about preparedness. Your travel medicine provider can introduce you to and equip you with essentials such as customized travel health kits containing essential medications, first-aid supplies, insect repellents, and information on local healthcare resources at their destination. 
This proactive approach ensures that you're ready to handle any health-related situation with confidence and ease while traveling.

Post-Travel Support

Your journey doesn't end when you return home. Travel medicine extends its care with post-travel assessments to monitor your health, address any travel-related concerns, and provide necessary follow-up care when you’ve returned. This comprehensive approach ensures continuity of care and promotes your well-being beyond your travel adventures.

Why Choose Travel Medicine?

The benefits of travel medicine are clear: it empowers you to explore the world with confidence, knowing that your health is in capable hands. Your health and safety are non-negotiable, and travel medicine prioritizes them above all else. No two travelers are alike, and Atlantic Physicians Group recognizes this by offering personalized care tailored to your unique needs and travel plans. With expert guidance and preventive measures in place, you can travel worry-free and focus on creating unforgettable memories. Call Atlantic Physicians Group to schedule a consultation with a travel medicine professional before heading out on your unforgettable journey!

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Diabetes Screening/Testing

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Cancer Screening

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